Mapping Family, Race, and Tribe in Indian Territory: Intersectional Loyalties and Allotment Era Policies Personified
Danella Davis, Ed.D.
Independent Scholar, NCIS
American Historical Association 133rd Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
January 5, 2019
Poster Session, 8:30 – 10:30 am
As the Indian Wars waned and the surge to settle on the western frontier mounted, pressure grew to divest the Five Southeast Tribes of the lands granted them in Indian Territory. This poster visually maps the various allegiances claimed by two mixed-race families whose identities were transformed under a dual system of federal policies enacted during Allotment. Of the two systems employed in allotting acreage to eligible citizens of the Cherokee, Muscogee Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Nations, one was based on blood quantum and the other on the status of former slaves owned by members of the Five Tribes.
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